Design chemicals from scratch using our chemistry design software, ChemBoard™
Ingest your SMILES, MOL and InChI files in our ChemBoard™ and visualize your structure in our molecule software.
Directly integrate and analyze your chemical inventory with metadata
Record data for your compounds along with the structure in our advanced LIMS- Labsheet, to create your digital lab for compound/chemical inventory with all required metadata, enabling complete registration.
Model and analyze stereochemistry
Use our chemistry visualization software, ChemBoard™ to analyze the stereochemistry for your compounds, such as E/Z/R/S conformation, AND/OR centres, and more. Directly upload your SDB files and convert your SMILES, MOL, and InChI files to structure. Chemically aware Scispot’s digital LIMS and ELN will also calculate the physical and chemical properties for your compounds.
Standardize structures
Structure Standardization is enabled in our chemistry software, ChemBoard™ to avoid any discrepancies in data bases. Our advanced digital science notebook is also integrated with Structure Standardization, aiding your assay development.