5 Top Innovative Tissue Engineering Companies in 2021 that are Spearheading Tissue Regeneration Therapy and Bioprinting Organs

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5 Top Innovative Tissue Engineering Companies in 2021 that are Spearheading Tissue Regeneration Therapy and Bioprinting Organs

Tissue Engineering: Leading The Biotechnology Charge

Tissue engineering is a field that combines principles of biology, engineering, and medicine to create functional replacement tissues and organs. It involves the development of biomaterials, cells, and growth factors that can be used to regenerate damaged or diseased tissues. The process typically begins with obtaining cells from the patient or from a compatible donor source. These cells are then combined with a scaffold or matrix, which provides structural support and guides the growth and organization of the cells into a three-dimensional tissue structure. Over time, the engineered tissue can be implanted into the patient, promoting tissue repair and restoration of function.

Tissue Regeneration Therapy: Emerging Medical Treatments

Tissue regeneration therapy is a medical approach aimed at stimulating the body's natural regenerative capabilities to repair damaged or diseased tissues. It involves the use of various techniques and technologies to promote tissue regrowth. This can include the use of stem cells, growth factors, scaffolds, and other biomaterials that provide a conducive environment for tissue regeneration. Tissue regeneration therapy has shown promising results in treating conditions such as bone fractures, skin wounds, and even more complex injuries like spinal cord damage. Ongoing research in this field holds great potential for advancing the field of regenerative medicine and improving patient outcomes.

Companies that use bioprinting technology work with Scispot to streamline their R&D

Bioprinting Organs: Revolutionizing Healthcare

Bioprinting is an innovative approach in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine that aims to create functional human organs using 3D printing technology. It involves the precise layer-by-layer deposition of bioinks, which are composed of living cells, biomaterials, and growth factors. This technique allows for the fabrication of complex organ structures that closely mimic the native architecture and function. Bioprinting organs holds tremendous potential for addressing the organ shortage crisis, enabling personalized medicine, and reducing the risk of organ rejection as organs can be printed using a patient's own cells.

The Top Tissue Engineering Companies that are Paving the Way

Here are some of the world’s most innovative startups, scaleups, and established companies for tissue engineering:

Biomimetic Solutions

Located in the UK, Biomimetic Solutions develops nanomaterials used to design 3D organs and tissues utilized in research, bioprinting, and transplants. These nanomaterials enhance cells' biological and mechanical properties and help improve adhesion, propagation, and segregation tissue engineering, and are used in tissue regenerative therapies to treat damaged areas.

Lattice Medical

Located in France, Lattice Medical, develops bioabsorbable adipose tissue reconstruction solutions for breast regeneration. Bioabsorbable materials possess a considerable advantage over other traditional titanium, steel, and silicone counterparts as they are easily absorbed by the body, there are no disadvantages such as rejection and infection and they significantly reduce the amount for medical checkups.

Avery Therapeutics 

Located in the US, Avery Therapeutics develops tissue-engineered solutions to treat heart diseases and human muscles. One of their products is MyCardia, a tissue-engineered heart graft in the pre-clinical development phase which is used to treat coronary issues and improve heart functions.

Prellis Biologics

Located in the US, Prellis Biologics uses 3D bioprinting and stem cell development techniques to create biomimetic tissue scaffolds essential to support human tissue. Their goal is to eliminate the waitlist for human organ transplants and empower researchers to speed up drug development.

Ventus Therapeutics

Located in Canada, Ventus Therapeutics develops novel small-molecule medicines that target the innate immune system, particularly proteins in the nucleic acid-sensing signaling and inflammatory pathways. They use their structural immunology platform to offer insights into the mechanisms and structures of these proteins that help target them precisely.

Develop your tissue regeneration therapy with Scispot's protocols, experiment templates, and data lakehouses

Lab Management Software for Tissue Engineering Companies: Scispot.io

Scispot has become the primary lab management software of choice for numerous modern biotech companies, including tissue engineering startups.

Scispot creates a connected digital replica of these innovative bioscience companies. It centralizes their company-wide data, templatizes routine research and automates non-scientific tasks. It makes other lab software such as electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) and lab information management systems (LIMS) redundant.

Tissue engineering startups use Scispot's operating platform to manage their research projects, inventory, samples, and partners all in one spot. Request a demo to learn how you can accelerate your research using Scispot.

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