Scispot Launches GLUE: A Revolutionary Data Stitching Platform for Life Science Companies

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Scispot Launches GLUE: A Revolutionary Data Stitching Platform for Life Science Companies

Scispot, a Y Combinator-backed life science informatics company, has announced the launch of Scispot GLUE, a revolutionary data stitching platform designed to streamline life science data for visualization, auditing, and machine learning. The platform is set to transform the biotech and pharma industries by eliminating data silos and making data audit-ready, visualization-friendly, and machine learning-ready.

GLUE automates the data extraction, transformation, and preparation process, making it an essential tool for modern life science companies dealing with internal data graveyards and disconnected systems. The platform seamlessly extracts data from various sources, such as Benchling, spreadsheets, Notion, Google Drive, One Drive, GCS, Azure Blobs, traditional Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs), Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), and even an organization's legacy systems. Additionally, GLUE's robust data transformation capabilities are tailored to the specific needs of biotech and pharma informatics. "We are incredibly excited to launch GLUE, a powerful data stitching toolkit that will revolutionize the way lab R&D and informatics teams harness the full potential of their data. With GLUE, our vision is to eradicate data silos and transform data graveyards into treasure troves of knowledge, ultimately advancing life science R&D to new levels," said Guru Singh, founder & CEO of Scispot.

Scispot GLUE’s key features include connectors (e.g., Benchling connector) to extract data, a transformation toolkit to cleanse and process data, Jupyter Hub to manipulate and analyze data, and more. The pre-built visualization templates enable quick data visualization, uncovering valuable insights that drive accelerated R&D decisions. The platform also generates compliance reports automatically, simplifying the process of meeting regulatory requirements.

As the first trusted connector linking Benchling with modern data pipelines while generating key insights on the Scispot platform, GLUE represents a significant advancement in data management for the life sciences industry. Scispot is the world's first scientific platform built with a computational persona in mind, and with the introduction of GLUE, the company continues to improve the way biotech and pharma organizations manage their data. Scispot GLUE is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or in partnership with Benchling, and Scispot GLUE offers an unofficial connector for Benchling.

"The vast potential locked within biotech data has often remained untapped due to siloed data locked in closed systems. Scispot GLUE offers the opportunity to unlock that potential by seamlessly connecting disparate systems and enhancing data utilization," said Mark Adams, COO of Adaptive Biotechnologies and CDL Advisor.

If you're interested in learning more about Scispot GLUE and how it can streamline your life science data for visualization, auditing, and machine learning, you can request a demo today!

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