Top 8 Biotech Startups Creating Waves in Africa in 2021

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Top 8 Biotech Startups Creating Waves in Africa in 2021

Biotechnology startups are on the rise in Africa. The continent's rich biodiversity, world-class universities, and research institutions foster innovation. The African governments have established multiple biotech hubs and incubators to help grow this biotech ecosystem and encourage partnerships.

Here are 8 African biotech startups that are creating waves in 2021:


Located in Cape Town, BixBio's platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to curate large genetic datasets that help to improve the identification of genetic variants that cause diseases. The field of precision medicine is growing thanks to BixBio and their novel drug targets research.

Yeemachi Biotech

Located in Ghana, Yemaachi Biotech uses a cancer detection platform to revolutionize how cancer is treated in Africa. They use immunogenomics, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence to facilitate the development of cancer detection and it's treatment procedures with the goal of lowering the economic burden on patients.

Mzansi Meat

Located in Cape Town, Mzansi Meat aims to produce cultivated meat using cell harvesting and serum-free culture media to create regular meat's traditional mouth feel and textures. They aim to provide customers with meat products that are healthy, delicious, and sustainable.


Located in Nigeria, 54Gene uses its proprietary gene testing platform to further the understanding of the human genome. Less than 3% of the genomics data present today represents African populations. 54Gene aims to bridge this gap and provide precision medicine for the African population. It also provides molecular diagnostic services and genetic testing to physicians and patients.

AzarGen Biotechnologies

Located in Cape Town, AzarGen Biotechnologies develops human therapeutic proteins by using genetic engineering and synthetic biology techniques in plants. Its leading therapeutic candidates include a human surfactant protein that targets various respiratory diseases and a biosimilar version of an anti-cancer monoclonal antibody. 

Nawah Scientific

Located in Cairo, Nawah Scientific is a CRO that researchers worldwide use to outsource their experiments. Nawah's online platform receives requests for experiments that the scientists perform and sends the results back online.

Mogale Meat

Located in Pretoria, Mogale Meat uses cellular agriculture to produce meat on a large scale with the goal of producing cultured meat that is indistinguishable from the 'real thing'.

Impulse Biomedical

Located in Cape Town, Impulse Biomedical creates medical devices with the goal of making healthcare more affordable. Impulse Biomedical's adrenaline auto-injectors can be customized for needle length, dose, and more to suit any patient's needs.

Lab Management Software for Innovative Biotech Startups Worldwide:

Scispot has become the primary lab management software of choice for numerous innovative biotech startups worldwide.

Scispot creates a connected digital replica of these innovative biotech companies. It centralizes their company-wide data, templatizes routine research and automates non-scientific tasks. It makes other lab software such as electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) and lab information management systems (LIMS) redundant.

Biotech startups use Scispot's operating platform to manage their research projects, inventory, samples, and partners all in one spot. Request a demo to learn how you can accelerate your research using Scispot.

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